Writing stuff about stuff that happened or will eventually happen.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Dude. DUDE! Listen to me. Seriously, listen. I have something very important to tell you...


... back together.

Holy effing balls!!#$&@*!#1

Now, I understand that because I have a fairly diverse readership, this may not mean much to you. And if that's the case, you're probably not listening.


Duuuude. Seriously. Seriously.

Bjork, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and RATM are set to kill Coachella on April 27 in California I may very well become bi-coastal for this shizzle. If you want to understand what's going on here, I'll give you the quick recap.

1991 - The world is done a friggin' service by Tom Morello and Zack de la Rocha getting together to strike fear in the hearts of ... okay. They formed a band.

1992, November 3 - Rage is introduced to the world with their self-titled debut album. Peaking on billboard at #45.

1996, April 16 - Sophomore? Is that the right word here? Their Sophomore release? Well... #1. On Billboard. That's "Evil Empire."

1999, November 2 - This, regrettably, is where I finally heard of the band. Like most acts, I was introduced late in the game. However, I still play this freakin' record all the time. "The Battle of Los Angeles" is one of the greatest rock records of my life time, and certainly in the top 10 of the 90's.

2000, December 5 - Rage's "last" record. Didn't have the commercial success of "battle", but I gotta say, it was no reason to go breaking up over it.

Now, I gotta admit, Audioslave was no slouch of a rock band, but that's because Tom and the gang went and grabbed the last great true-rock singer, Chris Cornell, and did some damage on the speakers in my '87 Sentra.* What we all need to be focused on now, though, is the fact that Coachella tickets just turned into Gold. Solid effing gold.

Oh yeah, and Bjork is playing. So that's gonna make it... neat, too.


Your friend and mine,
Meshach Jackson

* I never actually had an '87 Sentra, but I also didn't have an iPod yet, and I didn't want to have to trace back all the crappy cars I actually did have around that time, so I have referenced here the crappy car that a friend of mine had, with whom I must have listened to Audioslave and Rage at some point or another... in the aforementioned Nissan.


Society's Elite said...

that's how excited i got when i heard the smashing pumpkins are getting back together...

how's life in the city? i might be heading over there soon...

Society's Elite said...

hey man... will you be going to see MuteMath in NYC ON 3/13? i definitely plan on going.. their last show @ bb kings was un-fucking-believable, and i don't plan on missing this one... so, do you plan on going?

Gramercy Theatre
127 East 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010

rfender said...

Trivia: De LaRocha was in a Straight Edge hardcore band back in the late 80's called Wide Awake. He then moved to Revelation records with his Straight Edge Band 'Inside Out'.

Tom Morello was in straight edge bands back in the late 80's early 90's as well.

This was way back when De LaRocha had no dreads. Old school.


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New York, New York, United States

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