Writing stuff about stuff that happened or will eventually happen.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Winter Listening...

Here's what I'm listening to this winter.
(In no particular order)
  • Milosh - Down-tempo masterpieces.
  • Heist At Hand - A chick-lead Mars Volta with better songs?
  • Stateless - Just toured with DJ Shadow... fitting.
  • Edie - Nashville singer from Holland with a hypnotic falsetto.
  • None shall pass by Aesop Rock - Just a solid freakin' record from beginning to end.
  • In Rainbows by Radiohead - It's on me, and it's growing.
  • Alice by Tom Waits (... again) - A damn-near perfect record.
... and more to come.

1 comment:

Society's Elite said...

i've been playing a lot of M.I.A. lately... good stuff...

how about posting some of your own tunes on the blog? and what happened to the video blogs?


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New York, New York, United States

What's your favorite tune from Experiments In Drowning?
